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  • What is a Web Server?

    A web server is a fundamental element in the world of the Internet, playing a vital role in providing access to content across the World Wide Web. In this article, we will comprehensively understand the web server, starting from its definition to how it works and its importance in the hosting process...

  • Optimizing Web Experience: The Power of CDN Networks

    In today's era of information technology, the speed of webpage loading has become crucial to ensuring a seamless and efficient user experience. Here, the role of Content Delivery Networks (CDN) significantly stands out in improving website performance and enhancing the overall user experience...

  • Dedicated Host vs Dedicated Instance

    Dedicated host vs. dedicated instance: exploring cloud computing options safely and efficiently. The terms “dedicated host” and “dedicated instance” are an integral part of the cloud computing language, and these two services reflect advanced techniques for providing resources and running applications on the cloud computing infrastructure...

  • [Dedicated Server] advantages

    Dedicated servers offer a whole host of advantages compared to other hosting options like shared or virtual private servers (VPS). Here's a rundown of the key benefits you can expect...

  • Definition of VPS

    VPS stands for “Virtual Private Server”, which is a type of hosting service that benefits from virtual simulation technology. This type of hosting divides a single actual server into several virtual servers, each of which operates completely independently with its operating system and individual resources such as the Central Processing Unit, Random Access Memory, storage, and configurations...

  • Definition of hosting

    Hosting is a basic service that enables us to publish our websites on the internet, which allows visitors to access them through their web address. In order for your site to be available on the internet, you need to contract with a hosting company that provides you with space on a web server, and is responsible for managing and maintaining this server...

  • [Dedicated Server] Meaning

    The concept of a dedicated server refers to a complete computer system connected to the internet, provided through a hosting service on a subscription basis. In contrast to shared or managed servers, a dedicated server stands out by not being shared with any external parties. This exclusivity ensures superior performance and privacy, making it an optimal choice for various applications...

  • [Shared Hosting] advantages and disadvantages

    Shared hosting is a popular and cost-effective service for hosting websites on the internet, where the resources and capabilities of a single server are divided among several different websites. While there are several advantages to this type of hosting, some disadvantages should also be considered...

  • [Cloud VPS vs VPS] Understanding the Differences

    Cloud VPS and VPS share some similarities, such as Both are dedicated virtual servers. Both offer a high level of control, performance, and security. Both can be customized according to user needs...

  • What is Cloud VPS?

    Cloud VPS is a type of virtual server hosting provided over the internet. It is called cloud because it involves dividing the resources of a single physical server among multiple clients. Each user has access to their own resources, which can be customized according to their needs...

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